
What’s your favorite Color?

Color In and Out of the Garden
Watercolor practices for painters, gardeners and nature lovers
by Lorene Edwards Forkner
Abrams, 2022

Capture all the hues of the garden with a few simple brushstrokes: Lorene Edwards Forkner presents inspirational advice on observing color in nature, painting with watercolor, and gardening with joy and intention

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Grow your own

The Beginner’s Guide To Growing Great Vegetables
by Lorene Edwards Forkner
Timber Press, 2021

Grow beautiful, healthy, delicious veggies and herbs right from the start. The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Great Vegetables is filled with all the information you need to create a thriving garden, from facts about soil and sun to tips on fertilizing, mulching and watering. Regional planting charts show what to plants when, and a month-by month planner take you from January through December. Whether your garden grows in the ground, on a balcony, or in containers on a sunny patio, this is your guide to grow-your-own success.

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Get Growing

The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening
in the Pacific Northwest

by Lorene Edwards Forkner
Timber Press 2013

There is nothing more regionally specific than vegetable gardening. What to plant, when to plant it, and when to harvest are unique decisions based on climate, weather, and first and last frost. The Timber Press Guide to Vegetable Gardening: Pacific Northwest is a growing guide that truly understands the unique eccentricities of the Northwest growing calendar.


Trees are the answer!

Now is the Time for Trees
Dan Lambe, of Arbor Day Foundation
with Lorene Edwards Forkner
Timber Press 2022

Trees are something we can all agree on. Trees and forests are the number one nature-based solution for addressing challenges presented by a changing climate.

Go Outside—it’s a nice day!

Handmade Garden Projects
Step-by-Step Instruction for Creative Garden Features, Containers, Lighting & More
by Lorene Edwards Forkner
Timber Press, 2011

I’m a handmade gardening gal—part eco-friendly, non-traditionalist, part crafty creative with more ideas than money. My garden is my canvas, my vision, and my voice. A place where I am free of all rules, except those of Nature herself. It’s where I make my unique mark on the world.

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Hortus Miscellaneous
A Gardener’s Hodgepodge of Information & Instruction
by Lorene Edwards Forkner

Most gardening books and journals are made up of facts and material that to the mere mortal appear to embody the concept of arcane with a capital A. Lunar cycles, weather patterns, design principles that include not only three dimensions but also are further complicated by notions of time and space, color theory, taste test, discipline, disease, pestilence, and physical labor—lots of physical labor, greed, envy, as well as most of the other deadly sins, and so much more—all held together by the thread of what many consider a dead language. Who cares?! We do.


A Story of People, Plants, and Gardens
by Daniel J. Hinkley, photography by Claire Takacs
Timber Press, 2020

It was my privilege to offer an editorial assist on this remarkable title. Or as Dan put it I “took on the position of chief organizer and whip.”  Buy on Bookshop.org

Growing Your Own Vegetables: An Encyclopedia of Country Living Guide
by Carla Emery and Lorene Edwards Forkner
Sasquatch Books, 2010

Canning & Preserving Your Own Harvest: An Encyclopedia of Country Living Guide
by Carla Emery and Lorene Edwards Forkner
Sasquatch Books, 2010