Go Outside—
It’s a nice day!
Handmade Garden Projects
Step-by-Step Instruction for Creative Garden Features, Containers, Lighting & More
By Lorene Edwards Forkner
Timber Press, 2011
From the Preface:
I’m a handmade gardening gal—part eco-friendly, non-traditionalist, part crafty creative with more ideas than money. My garden is my canvas, my vision, and my voice. A place where I am free of all rules, except those of Nature herself. It’s where I make my unique mark on the world.
Whether you have acres of land, a simple city-sized lot, an apartment balcony, or even just a somewhat sunny windowsill, I’ll show you how to transform your little patch of the big outdoors into a refreshing, unique garden paradise.
The backstory:
Creating, crafting, and shooting more than 30 projects (with numerous variations) nearly broke my garden. While this book is now out of print, I still stand by my premise that the garden is a glorious canvas for self-expression and creative invention.