a handmade garden

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The Plant-Sale Pivot

You still can pick plants that match your personal gardening style, but this year, the region’s eagerly awaited plant sale likely will miss spring.

THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST is filled with horticultural riches, and spring around here is typically filthy (in a good way) with specialty plant sales. Except when COVID-19 and social distancing disrupt life as we know it. Due to Pacific NW magazine’s deadlines, this story, about plotting plant-sale purchases according to your primary garden focus, is from the world of a month ago. Unfortunately, as of press time, many plant sales had been canceled. Likely, more will be.

Read the entire story in the link below

GROW in The Seattle Times

[[edit: Someone from the Washington Native Plant Society reached out to me this weekend with information about a series of free online gardening webinars that will roll out in the coming weeks:

Heritage Gardens in Eastern Washington with Heather Wendt at 10am on Saturday April 18. Register here

Gardening with Native Plants in Lowland Western Washington with Marcia Smith at 4pm on Saturday April 18. Register here.

Three native Plant Gardens Up Close with Rita More, Clay Antieau and Dr. Julia Bent at 7pm on Thursday April 23. Register here.

Each webinar will be recorded for sure viewing and made available on the WNPS website.]]