a handmade garden

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Planting Plenty

The Ballard P-Patch Giving Garden is one of 54 designated “giving garden” plots in Seattle. Photo: courtesy Nicole Kistler

On Earth Day and beyond, Seattle cultivates a community of gardeners who are growing food for those in need.

Spring is a generous season. In the garden, warmer days and sufficient moisture encourage seedlings and blossoming fruit trees that in the weeks and months ahead will produce loads of fresh, healthy food. More often than not, more than we will consume; I’m sure I’m not the only one to plant more than my appetite or kitchen inclinations will support. 

It feels good to plant unstintingly and optimistically, but decidedly less so when healthy produce is wasting in the garden. Especially when people in our midst are hungry and challenged with food security. Fortunately, gardeners are as generous as the plots they tend.

Read the entire story in the link below

GROW in The Seattle Times