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Where you’ll find prints, postcards, original paintings, and books.


Connect & Learn

I’m a writer who gardens, a gardener who paints, and everything is recorded in color. Check out the following ways we can connect on Creativebug, via my weekly newsletter, or through upcoming events and workshops. I’m so glad you’re here.

Garden Journaling

Discover different approaches to keeping garden records on CREATIVEBUG.

Watch class - free trial

Color School

Browse this collection of 10 classes and more than 20 hours of color-centric demos and tutorials on CREATIVEBUG, including my daily practice series.

Cultivate a Colorful Life - free trial

Color In and Out of the Garden

A daily practice on Creativebug Explore 31 ways of using color to focus attention and cultivate mindfulness with my daily practice series on CREATIVEBUG.

Watch series - free trial

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Weekly Newsletter

Subscribe to my newsletter on Substack for a weekly roundup of color and observation.

a handmade garden

My latest book

A very colorful exploration of observing color in nature, painting with watercolor, and gardening with joy and intention

Get a signed copy